domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Year 47' First Grade

¡Hello children!

Ya es la última semana de colegio y como en todas mis clases,vamos a sentarnos y os leeré un pequeño cuento ¿Vale?

A tortoise one day met a hare who made fun of her. “My, my, you move so slowly, you will never get far!”

The tortoises, upset by the hare’s manner, said, “Let’s have a race and see who is faster.”

The hare laughed and said, “You must be joking! But all right, we’ll see who reaches the other side of the hill first.” Off he ran, leaving the tortoise far behind.

After a while, the hare stopped to wait for the tortoise to come long. He waited and waited till he felt sleepy. “I might as well take a nap,” he thought. “Even if she catches up with me, I can easily win the race.” So he lay down under a shady tree and closed his eyes.

When the tortoise passed the sleeping hare, she walked on slowly but steadily. By the time the hare woke up, the tortoise was near the finishing line. He ran as fast as he could, but he could not catch up with the tortoise

¿Os ha gustado?

La tarea de esta semana consiste en que me habléis de vuestro animal favorito,ponerme una foto, decirme porque es vuestro favorito y si lo tenéis en casa ^^

Good week! Remember that you can deliver until Friday afternoon.

[OFF]Como no todo el mundo habla perfectamente inglés (yo soy la primera) podéis utilizar este traductor para la tarea [/OFF]

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010

Correction Postgraduate

¡Hola chicos! Me han gustado mucho vuestras tareas de esta semana aunque hemos tenido dos despistadillos.

Noah: ¡Cuantas cosas haces en familia! A mi me encanta hacer cosas con mis hijos y nietos asique me ha gustado mucho la tarea y ver que estas muy unido a ellos. Respecto a lo del grupo,no te preocupes que conforme crezcas ya sabrás en que género quieres tocar.

Alexandre: Es complicado para una madre pensar si es mejor llevaros de gira o dejaros en el colegio. ¿A qué no te lo pasas mal haciendo la tarea y jugando?

Tania: ¡Menuda familia de artistas! Ya verás que cuando tengas los 16 y tu propia banda triunfas un montón :)

Esta semana los tres tenéis pin porque las tres tareas estan muy bien :D

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Year 47' 4 Week- Postgraduate

[Llego a clase con mis libros y cuadernos]

¡Hello children! How about the holidays?

Como todas las semanas hago,voy a leeros un cuento cortito ¿Vale?

Once upon a time, in Madrid, there was a very busy chemist store.
They sold cough syrups, painkillers and band aids for the scratches.
The pharmacist served everybody very kindly and gave good advice to maintain their health.
One day her grandmother called her from the village and asked:
-My dear, don’t you have anything to make me feel better?
-What happens, grandma? –the granddaughter asked.
The grandmother was sad because the days were gray and there was no sun.
The pharmacist searched in her big shop but she did not find any useful remedy.
Then, she searched in the big book of medicines but she did not find anything either.
But then, one day she heard of a distant, very distant place…
Where the days were always sunny, and at night, the sky was illuminated by thousands of Stars.
There, some children were born with a gift: ¡To take the happiness characteristic of their homeland wherever they went!
So that, the pharmacist and her husband went on a long trip looking for such a gift.
And since the old lady is a great-grandmother, the days are colourful.
Her days are full of happiness.
There is no better medicine for sadness than the happiness of a happy child.

La tarea de esta semana va a ser fácil,me tenéis que hacer una redacción diciéndome las cosas que hacéis con vuestra familia,en que trabajan y a que quereis dedicaros vosotros.

Good week! Remember that you can deliver until Friday afternoon.

[OFF]Como no todo el mundo habla perfectamente inglés (yo soy la primera) podéis utilizar este traductor para la tarea [/OFF]

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

Year 47' Correction Nursery

*Entro en clase cargada con las correcciones*

Muy bien chicos! Vuestras tareas me han encantado,ninguno habéis coincidido a la hora de elegir vuestro juguete favorito.

Ali: tienes como juguete favorito una muñeca,y muy mal eso de que tu hermano te la quite para hacerte enfadar.

Wes: como juguete favorito has elegido a tu mascota,la foto es muy bonita ^^

Anna: ¡Cuantos peluches! A mi me gustan mucho y tengo un hijo que solo hacer que perder peluches porque viajamos y nunca sabe donde los deja,pero tú los tienes bien controlados.

Ashton: ¿De verdad eres un pirata? Tú madre tiene que estar orgullosa de tener un hijo pirata que la va a defender.

Esta semana era dificil elegir dos tareas asique he elegido tres y los pins de la semana son para Ali,Wes y Anna.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Year 47'Third Week - Nursery

¡Hi kids!

Primero voy a empezar la clase leyendo un cuento ¿Vale?

Guardian angels

This is the story of how teddy bears were made … and I´m sure it most be real, because my teddy bear told it to me the very first time I held it on a stormy night …

Many moons ago, way up high in heaven, God gathered all of his angels. And he told them their job was to look after human beings, to love them, to protect them, and to enlighten them .
Since that day every single angel had swore to do their very best … and so they did! But among all those angels there was Aldebaran, who was told to look after all children.
As you can imagine, that was a very important and enormous job! So our angel spent several nights thinking how could he acomplish his goal.
Aldebaran knew that children were highly important, that was the reason why God had created moms –who are the most important, sweet, intelligent, beautiful and powerful angels of all– but hey! Even moms need help! That´s why God had also created dads –who are the funniest, strongest, cliver … and messy angels of all!– but hey! Even dads need help! Thats why God had created grandparents, and siblings, uncles and aunts … and even teachers! And puppies! But that wasn´t enough, because children are the most precious treasure of all, and they needed more guardians … twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.
Our Angel knew that he needed help, because even though he could fly faster than speed light, there was no way he could be with all children at all time, he needed a good guard, somebody sweet, strong, courageous, funny, friendly, kind, smart … someone who could be every kid´s confident, somebody who could keep the angel informed of what was going on with children; and, more important, somebody who could love those kids as much as Aldebaran does.
So, our angel travelled through all stars and constelations, through the whole galaxy and every corner of heaven traying to find the answer he needed; but it wasn´t until Aldebaran went to earth that he came up with a brilliant idea. He noticed that children used to sleep holding on to their blankets or to a pillow, that really help them to sleep peacefuly, but during day time they couldn´t go carrying such things, so the angel went back to heaven and he collected the softest fabrics and he began to sew several pieces. When he finally finished he had on his hands the very first teddy bear ever! That was the answer! A teddy bear could look after kids at all times, they could carry them everywhere, and, at night, the teddy could protect their dreams, and keep their secrets safe, and tell Aldebaran if a kid needed extra help.
That night Aldebaran sew and sew millions of teddys, one for each kid so they could have a piece of him with them always, a little guardian who could help them to face their fears, a truthful companion to live all sort of adventures with; and, a loving friend who could give kids endless amounts of hughs.
So, now that you know how teddy bears were made, I´m sure you will love your teddy even more, because now you know that they were made by an angel who loves you all as much as your parents does.

Seguro que todos vosotros tenéis a vuestro osito de peluche que os protege y al que queréis mucho mucho.

La tarea de esta semana consiste en que me digáis cual es vuestro juguete preferido,porque y quién os lo regaló :)

Recordad que hasta el viernes por la tarde podéis hacerla ^^.

[OFF]Como no todo el mundo habla perfectamente inglés (yo soy la primera) podéis utilizar este traductor para la tarea [/OFF]

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

Year 47' Correction-2ndGrade

Hi Kids!

Well, this week we had a clueless that we have not done your homework.

Leslie Hudson: Muy bien tu tarea! Y tu tía Connie te ha respondido muy bien a las dudas que hayas podido tener y respecto a lo de las agujas pues dan un poco de miedo pero te acabas acostumbrando.

Álvaro Gerpe: Pues si,los bomberos utilizan una vestimenta especial para protegerse del fuego,gracias por poner el dibujo me ha gustado mucho ^^.

Leslie Galvez: Has elegido una profesión que a mi me parece muy interesante y lo has explicado muy bien!

Zara Adams: Seguro que cuando crezcas un poco más serás una gran médica y todos estarán muy orgullosos de ti.

Duke Barbeitos: Tu también has elegido la profesión de bombero,es una profesión bastante dura pero ayudan mucho a las personas ¿Verdad?

And finally, I've got to decide which's the best text fo the week...and the best text was to Leslie Galvez and Duke Barbeitos , congratulations kids!