lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

53 - Tercer grado

*Entro al aula caminando con firmeza*

Good Morning kids. This year, I'll be your teacher of english. How are you?

*Algunos niños gritan "good" otros "bien" *


My Name is Carlota Amescua, I'm nice to meet you :D

Ok, the homeworks of this week are very, very easy.

You must write a redaction about youself.
For example:
My Name is Carlota. I'm 35 years old. I was born in madrid.

It's easy. Come on! I wait yours homework the friday.

[Nota Occ: Para entender bien la tarea y para hacerla, podéis usar este traductor]

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Last Grade - 4th Week

Hi everyone!

Homeworks for this week, los deberes para esta semana, Talk about "Why do you like English music? or dislike?", porque os gusta la música en Inglés o porque no. ok?

About last week, sobre la semana anterior:
I check the previous homeworks soon, right? Corregire la tarea muy pronto, vale?

Como siempre podéis ayudaros con este diccionario