miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

5th Week - First Grade

- Hi kids!!! And so sorry for my delay! the homeworks of this week are so easy. You have to tell me what is your favourite movie and why, ok? :)

You have until Sunday to make this writing!!

You can start!! :)

[OFF: Como sé que no todo el mundo tiene por qué saber inglés podéis utilizar este traductor si lo necesitáis


Para cualquier duda no dudéis en preguntar, estaré disponible para lo que necesitéis]

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

English - Third Grade Year 49

Hi kids!!

How're you? I know that there's strange for you to see me here. Let me introduce myself, I'm Connie, your teacher this week 'cause the usual teacher, Flor, is too busy this week (Is not an easy work to manage an school) and I'll be with you this week.

Well, we're gonna talk abut music. I'd like you to tell me the kind of music do you like to hear, If there's any band that likes you more than others, and an exercise of imagination... if you were a musician, what kind of music would you play? I don't want only the genre, talk me about an specific style, like 'nu metal', 'goth rock' or things like this, and why would you play this style.

I know that maybe you don't speak in english, so you can translate your homework in this web (Translator), and don't hesitate to ask me any question that you can have.
